Shehryar Lalani

Shehryar Lalani

Shehryar Lalani has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Majoring in Software Engineering from DHA Suffa University, where he was also awarded a silver medal for his academic excellence. During his time at the university, Sir Lalani was actively involved in participating in and later organising numerous programming and Development Competitions and Peer Mentoring sessions.

Sir Shehryar Lalani has been teaching IGCSE, O and A Level Computer Science and ICT for the past five years. During this period, he has designed and delivered lesson plans that cover a range of topics, including Algorithms and programming, Web Development, Object Oriented Programming and Database Management. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he has also served as a mentor and advisor to students, guiding them about the universities and career paths to choose from, in the Field of Technology.

Sir Lalani has been interested in computers from a young age which eventually led him to pursue it as a career. While studying computer science at University, he had the opportunity to teach his peers, and he found that he enjoyed helping others learn about this subject.

The Level of satisfaction he encounters, according to him, is ineffable while teaching when the students realise the potential of the subject and are keen to explore and learn Computer science as a new skill set. 

A fun fact about Shehryar Lalani is that he has contributed to some online platform games as a characters and elements designer.

I firmly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to at least learn the fundamentals of Computer Science as It has now become essential to succeed in almost every field such as healthcare, finance, education, or media in the 21st century. Whether you are interested in developing the next great application or just want to complete your day-to-day tasks, Computer Science can provide you with the tools and knowledge to enable you to succeed. 

Shehryar Lalani

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